Jacksonville has many produce markets and the costs are usually cheaper than your local grocery store. Here are just a few!
• Jacksonville Farmers Market (Beaver St.) pre-dawn to dusk, all 365 days of the year http://www.jaxfarmersmarket.com/default.asp
• Hemming Plaza Market 10am-2pm, Every Friday. (Subject to weather.) http://www.downtownjacksonville.org/things-to-do/downtown-vision-events/hemming-plaza-market
• St Johns Town Center Every Friday from 3pm -8pm http://www.sjtcfarmersmarket.com/Welcome.html
• Riverside Arts Market Saturday, April to December 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM http://www.riversideartsmarket.com/index.html
• Beaches Green Market Every Saturday 2- 5 PM http://beacheslocalfoodnetwork.web.officelive.com/greenmarket.aspx
• Mandarin Local Farmers Market at Whole Foods Market Sundays 2:00pm to 6:00pm http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/stores/jacksonville/storecalendar.php
• Pecan Park Flea and Farmers Market (unsure of hours please contact them directly) http://www.pecanparkrvresort.com
• Fernandina Farmers Market Every Saturday, 9am - 1pm http://www.fernandinafarmersmarket.com/