Cold enough to keep your Harpoon cold. We were 45 minutes from Harpoon's Vertmont location in May we took the tour they had great food and fantastic beer of course.
We are planning to go up in July for the New England BBQ Championships and also in October for Octoberfest. They have a great beer garden menu
No surprise the Vermonter Panini is delightful.
I love going where food is made I have been to Stoneyfield Farm Yogurt in NH, Ben and Jerry's in VT, Hershey in PA.

Frying Turkey

Chi Chi
This drink will be the stuff of legends soon! I'm planning on debuting it at our friends Sip and See Party once her baby is born.
You may make yours right now if you'd like. Be careful it tastes non alcoholic but your toes will be tingling after one.
1/5 100 proof vodka
1 can CoCo Lopez
Large Can Pineapple Juice
frozen lemonade (made to package directions)
frozen orange juice (made to package directions)
Blend all ingredients and freeze for at least two days. When ready to serve scoop into a glass and add 7up or sprite (I would use diet since the frozen mix is quite sweet) 50/50 ratio

After my Chi Chi the Turkey was done.

Lobsters are so insanely cheap our plane tickets practically pay for themselves. I wonder what TSA's policy is on lobster transport.

Wicked fresh steamers. Boil the clams and serve with a bowl or cup of broth and melted butter. dip your clam in the broth to wash any sandy bits and follow with butter. These clams are huge compared to any I've seen in the Southeast.

Decorated my first gingerbread house.
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